In construction!
1- Dread the Unknown -3'54
2- Salle Justice -4'08
Destin -3'36
Faux Dieu -4'49
Emergence -2'43
Father of Hate -3'18
Another Frequency -4'41
My Enemy Friend -2'51
Mind Decadence -4'44
Among Them -3'15
Jour de delivrance -2'48
Inside Out-Life -5'40
Genocide -8'13
Nocturnal Cycle -2'47
Degenere -3'08
Esperence (instr.) -4'05
I emerge
each day I die
but the universe is spying me on
for masking the ashes
grey ruins of my soul
and those bits of life
as reals as apprehended
the ones i structure... the return
for a question of resurrection
i come back in the deaths placing in
where i am dead
another time im only lignt and tumult
another time im just shadow and silence
i emerge again from an old stagnation
I is the end
cold is the hand of death
when she is exorting you
to follow her in the deepest foundations of the revolt
i is the end
of a deadly world
my friend you will see
one drowsy life at her last breath
in her torment death grasps the spine of life
breaking of her icy fingers
the bones of self respect... respect... respect
cold is the hand of death
when she do the work for you
in front of the glance of the warders surrender
suicide the end
i want this end
she gives her hands
and i is the end
Dreed the unknown
dread the unknown
te possibility, the dominante, the mystery
can you just believe what i said
or you are afraid to admit
the presence of the unknownbeing
but one day youll see...
Theyre coming
there is a possibility among the depth of the space
think about that
dread the unknown
mysterious species from other planets
dread the unknown
dread their shadows
flying across the sky
be dominated on any form
on any level of your destiny
imagine... the suffering
using you like a guinea-pig against your will
but also see the mysteries
of a distinct race
separated by light-years
a privilegious moment of a rare intensity
dont turn your back on it... on it... on it
far from here
hits the sky
mankind fixed... too late
the executions breath
hunts present away
sweeping the creation
with the back of his hand
our dying groans implode
through the lamentations collapse
a provoked silence persist
the doubtful silence of the human remains
powerfull intrusion
of the viction
our own sphere
degeneration of the populations
desintegrate all of the nations
darkness descends on the earth
as we lost our paradise
«What should be next
we are about to die on our feet
each war strikes men and they laugh
it is time to rise»
slavery misery
upon those violent acts
closed window
Another frequency
my vision is so denouncer
that they enter in me as a metal wall
for them im only a viction in the crowd
interfering by changing the rules
all those people who decide for us
proud of their attitude
its a communication without sence
i saw the rules... on the wall... in the crowd
stronger than me
i cant help my self
society makes me so weak
so weak, so unstable
honnest desire to understand
uncomprehending things
to fulfill my dreams i must neglect
all the values of life
under the sea... over the bridge
speculations unclear
frequency of theirs... untouchable
manipulating us
true rules... on the wall
true rules on the wall
responses speak
into the strangers casualness
i am convulsive and breathless
this is another frequency
where i cant be
Noctural cycle
i cant see.. I cant taste... but i can feel
as the poor suffering fears
when the death knocks at the door
i sickly apprehend those long and gloomy nights
the awakening calls
making an unbearable noise
ouh.. I know
day after day... its back
and my patience
is exhaust to a consciousness level
that i cannot seize
the time and his notions penetrate me
all over my body
i must fear my own self
on the slippery wall... where i crawl
Faux dieu
répulsion des hommes éveillés
au refuge dun dieu préfabriqué
noppressant que les pauvres, les diminués
psychosés, les gourous sen balancent
bien assis dans lantre de lopulence
leur pouvoir, une force qui sémancipe
aux dépens des croyances de leurs disciples
que mort sen suive dans ta volonté
si tu y tiens, deviens un opprimé
forcé dadmettre, que ton âme est prête
de croire à tout, de croire à rien
la secte dissoud, dissecte les liens
que tu as avec nous, que tu as avec les tiens
mais malgré tout, tu lui tends la main
et puis voilà losmose
tu obéis non sans peine
toi lesclave de sa haine
dune méthode à lancienne
ton argent, il fait sienne
faux dieu dilluminés
usurpateur des âmes égarées
même ta vie senfuit derrière
ton cerveau vidé, lobotomisé
vos coeurs transcendent lamertume
sentiment que tu exhumes
vitale intelligence erre
contenu vidé de matières
la lumière quitte tes yeux
maintenant admire ton faux dieu
un jour tu le comprendras quil te manipule
Mind Decadence
To suit the actions to the words
You wont do what Im telling you
Sexually attracted by our incoherent
And you are anonymous
For them youre just a citizen
Who walks in the cold wind season
And you stay anonymous
Your mind decadence means sickness
Im the one who cares for youthness
Face the truth and be unhappy
It wont change your pedophilly
Ilnest destiny in you hands
All those years you send to their ends
I say you have no good reason
And do I make my self clear
No good reason
Have you well understood
Mind decadence dont pay
Hanging Fusillade
Electric chair Guillotine
Lets celebrate your end
Dans ma tête, je survis
Aux pressions de la vie
Et la force de comprendre
Les détours, les méandres
Hé! Quest-ce tu mveux!
Tes un sale, animal
Tu vas payer pour tes péchés
Le retour du mal, cest ça la loi boomerang
Elle viendra bien, la lueur de ton déclin
Et je serai là pour rire de toi
Ta déchéance
Crève trou de cul
Among them (Planet 000642)
Surrealistic sphere falling
Hydro power materialized
They brought me through the sky
Choosing me, I dont know why
Made of light and brilliance
A judgment of first instance
Techno feelings under my chest
Unconscious quest
Im among them, now
Im among them
A dwarfed world I saw into the space
And Im the witness
To see the drama
Im among them
«Our world is gone, we are only few survivals
They want to prevent by knowing we can destroy ourselves»
Is your world now ready to contact aliens
Final countdown and first embrace
But evolution is our missing pace
Our missing pace, such a big pace
Sale justice
Dans le noir tu regrettes
Ton détour sans retour
Prédateur dangereux
Sa crise est enclenchée
Pénétration prohibée, sodomie excessive
Psychopathe sexuel, rituel autoritaire
Il tattrape par la taille et pousse ton corps vers le sol
Et voilà que tu es à lui de gré ou de force
À genou sur tes bras vaincus, frappant à linconscience
Ton non-consentement au sexe séteint dans la démence
Il est en toi, il éjacule sa folie et il tire trois fois sur ta tête
Pourquoi trente ans de prison
Et dans sept ans, il sera libre
La peine de mort aux assassins
Qui sèment le doute, plaident non-coupables de leur voie de fait
Une vie, un corps, un seul destin.
Chaque souffle te démontre son chemin.
Des signes! Et des signes! Mais tu ne vois rien!
Passif devant laction,
Tu creuses ta propre tombe.
Tu tenlises dans labnégation!
Lintérieur te ronge dindignation!
Lauto-destruction de ton image,
Ce qui nest point sage.
Ton amour-propre fige,
Tu te négliges,
Tes désirs instables au fond dune cage.
Dis-moi! Est-ce un présage?
Dans ton corps de déchet,
Il ny a plus rien, plus de respect.
Prendre le blâme nest pas mal.
Mais dans ta tête tes normal...
Vas donc chier!
My enemy friend
Bastard face
Your smile, stupid mask
The last omen of dishonour
Ive trusted you, I was blind
But youre such hypocrit and actor
I was your friend
You were my friend
We were like brothers
By changing your way
You blow me away
All was premeditated
And I truly believe
Youre not... Youre not a man
From you, nothing left to see
No more... No more friendship
Dis-lui dans la face
Tire-lui dans la face
Its your life
Do what you want
Just make your choice
But dont be hypocrit
Dont be hypocrit
No disgrace!!! (Whats happening with you)
Your licentious thoughts
Hit their limits
Dont be hypocrit
Nothing on you fit (indeed)
And now think about your needs
Maybe youll find what is... real
Inside-out life
La force invisible des voix intérieures
Lécho audible meublant ton humeur
«Tu me rends fou
Frangment de rage, démence précoce»
Tout nest que folie
Dans ton corps, ton esprit
Devenu schizophrène
La corde sous le chêne
Obey to it
This wall you hit
Forbidden entry
Through lifes dignity
Inside-out life... fields of dope
Mind overflow
Inside-out life
Spirits from nowhere
Impressing the air
Mental disease
Hope starts to freeze X 2
And youre cold inside
Inside... your head... it bleeds...
Déviation de connaître
Toutes les visions tenchevêtrent
Inside-out life
Inside... your head... it bleeds to death
Devant la ville qui te regarde
Tu te reclus dans ce vide
Father of hate
La vie pleine de délais
Fatigué de vivre, la fin doit venir
Destruction de la famille
Alcool et religion
Mariage de brutalité
Le silence de la confusion
Fanatic man of an ancient cult
Rejecting all the women rights
Mère tuée sur le plancher
Achetant un morceau de paix
Orphans of a poor existence
You pay for your psychotic dad
Their house bounded of violence
Of love theyll have no remembrance
There will be no more insults
All those «Stupid bitch»
All those «Bastard»
The verbal abuse teases you
Your mind is confused
Fornever deranged
Can you hear the silent scream
Into the eyes of those who see
Who see no truth
Who feel only pain
Theres no justice
Ya pas djustice
Jour de délivrance
Jai honte
Tout est de ma faute
Ta mort dans mes bras affligés
De ta perte et de lâme
Senvolant vers le ciel
Ton absence nourrit ma solitude
Jaurais dû vérifier la seringue
Apprivoisant ton départ
Le miroir de la dépendance
Je me retrouve sans aucune défense
Seul et faible, je me défonce
Dans la lueur de toutes réponses
Je nen peux plus
Jai le mal de la vie
Viens me chercher, me délivrer
Le plaisir peut savérer fatidique
Au service de lhéroïne qui me tiens
Et jattends mon jour de délivrance
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