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Absonant Cadence Reviews
Reviews of the 1st demo from Zines around the World!
ABSONANT CADENCE / Emergence (1996) Independant
Chronicles of chaos e-zine
Scoring :
*****--I see a record deal in the future
**** --Great piece of work
*** --Good effort
** --A major overhail is in order
* --A career change is advisable
ABSONANT CADENCE-Emergence-(7 trax, demo 1996) by Adam Wasylyk.
It seems as though the powerful Quebec metal scene has rubbed off onto Absonant
Cadence. Seven songs of death metal,there is a good balance of blast beat speed and
slower parts. Vocally like the average death metal band but musically their sound does
differ from others in the death metal field. The occasional sung part is also present in
some of the tracks. Starting off with the powerful title track, the aggression never lets up
until the end. (Genocide) is by far my favorite track,and a good track to represent the
band: both death grunting & singing, great guitaring & bass & the keyboards are also
great! Also worthy of not is (nocturnal cycle) with its great drumming. Their Demo
being a little more than half an hour, you get a lot of substance and quality music.
AUTOreverse zine #4, by Ian C Stewart
Very heavy, technical death metal. A great production job and a ballistic delivery
by the band makes this quite enjoyable. The singer growls quite a bit but he also
changes up and does a bit of Snake (Voivod)-style crooning. Every riff is backed
up with fine double-kick drumming courtesy of the blitzkrieg feet (how fast they
play, not how much they stink) of Dominique Bilodeau. (Genocide) adds keyboards
which gives a nice texture. Crazy complicated riffs for all you displaced Metallica
fans. Awesome.
Shadows of Michelangelo mag.Vol.6/Issue 3
This can be categorized as a blast of old school death metal plus, excellent musicianship.
Songs are generally built by faster guitar phrases and heavy bass plays. If i listened to
each instrument including vocals, those would be good; however, in overall i dont think
there are innovative things here. My imagination for Canadian bands had been pretty
bad until i hear this band. A death metal band but something different from other
Canadian bands. One thing i was really astonished is the drumming. Its not so fast, but
his oriented techniques are great and powerful. It reminds me Meshuggahs drummer.
Canadian Assault 1
Outta the mighty Quebec scene comes Absonant Cadence with this professional 7 song
demo, filled with brutal semi-technical death metal with a good sound. Absonant draws
influences from here and there, but none stick out enough to the point where you go,
(that sounds like...). The riffing is heavy and chugging with some nice drum work and
killer deep semi-understandable growlings supplied by Pierre. The song structures are
the bands strong point, as they sound very fresh & always keep the listener guessing.
Which, in my book, gives this young band a step up on the competition since this trait
takes many bands years to develop (some never do!) and mature enough to grasp such
a concept.Support this dedicated band and chech them out live-they play out a lot.
Lookout for new material soon as well.
Counter Attack, Vol.3
Dominic from cold Quebec send me this totally professional tape. Oh, what a drummer
technical, powerfull, explosive! I guess these guys have been in some musical school,
because they play like a monsters. The bands style is technical Death metal, something
like heavier version of Coroner. Many tempo and rhythm changes, countless guitar riffs
and growling voice (the guy can sing normal too), plus impressive bass guitar.
The Sepulchral Voice # 17
Out of the hot-bed scene in Quebec comes Absonant Cadence and their completely
professinal 7 song demo filled with brutal, semi-technical death metal accentuated by a
respectable production. The band draws influences from a few bigger names, but none
distinct enough to begin rhyming off names. The riffing is heavy and chugging with
solid drum work. Vocals supplied by Pierre are killer & deep, yet understandable. I found
the song structures to be the bands strong point keeping things fresh, leaving the
listener guessing as to what will happen next. An exceptional trait for such a young
band, as it usually takes a longer period of time for maturity to achieve this and many
never do support this dedicated band and check them out live if you can. Expect a new
cassette soon!
Bite me! Spring '97
I like this demo a lot! There is a lot of conviction, musicianship & direction. Technical
death metal taking a lot of their style from Fear Factory and though it is obvious it is
still enjoyable to listen to. Strongly recommended for tastes from Queensryche to Fear
Factory and beyond !
Corossion zine # 9
Interesting in that, despite the fact that they play technical death metal. Absonant...also
manage to get a good groove going with their music. Sure sometimes they go a little too
into technical realm and lose my interest,but thankfully thats a fairly rare occurrence.
Also, the drums could be lessened in the mix as the way that they are now is a little
distracting from the rest of the music.
More to Come!!!!!! :-)
Tx for Yer Support!
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